General Inquiries

The IP and data associated with a project belongs to its partners. CAAIN takes no ownership of any kind. That said, the level of funding we provide depends on a project team's willingness to share high-level descriptions of expected or actual IP and data. Specifically, approved project teams are reimbursed for 20% of eligible costs they incur during the period covered by the funding agreement. If they agree to contribute to CAAIN's high-level IP catalogue, they receive an additional 10%. The same applies if they accept to participate in our data catalogue. Thus, eligible costs are reimbursed at a level of 20%, 30%, or 40%, depending on participation in our IP and data catalogues, which are, in turn, viewable exclusively by CAAIN Network members.

It would be our pleasure but before you email your request to us at, might we suggest you join the CAAIN Network? There's no cost and you'll be able to search for potential collaborators from among the other members.