The Canadian Agri-Food Automation & Intelligence Network (CAAIN) is pleased to host Exploring Canada’s Role in Global Agriculture – An Evening with Theodore & McConnell at the Ottawa Westin Hotel, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM on February 10, 2025.

Nadia Theodore is Head of the Permanent Mission of Canada in Geneva, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the WTO, UNCTAD, ITC and WIPO. She joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada in 2004 as a trade negotiator. During her time as a federal public servant she has held progressively senior roles in economic, international and social policy, including at the Canada Revenue Agency and Public Safety Canada. She served at the permanent mission in Geneva from 2009 to 2012 and as consul general in Atlanta from 2017 to 2020.

Most recently, Ambassador Theodore was a senior vice president at Maple Leaf Foods, a Canadian consumer packaged goods company and the first major food company in the world to be carbon neutral.

Kim McConnell has carved an equally interesting and influential body of work in the ag sector. A recipient of the Order of Canada, he is co-founder and past CEO of AdFarm, one of the largest agricultural marketing communications firms in North America.

Join these two agri-food sector stars as they engage in a frank discussion of the technology, processes, and systems that feed an increasingly volatile planet and its growing population.

Reception and informal networking to follow.

Seating is limited, and registration will close when we reach capacity. There is no charge to attend, as CAAIN believes that, in our capacity as an agtech sector hub, we must serve as a connector, bringing together stakeholders and facilitating collaboration. 

Register here.

This event is a lead-in to Farm Credit Canada’s Future of Food, which will take place on Canada’s Agriculture Day, February 11, 2025, at Ottawa’s Shaw Centre. To register for Future of Food, click here.