CAAIN champions collaborative AgTech research and innovation. We do this by…

Connecting agri-food businesses, academic institutions, researchers, and technology players in a member-based network, and…

Creating opportunities for research and innovation in: automation & robotics and data collection, analysis, & use. Project success will increase productivity and enhance value, yielding a more robust agri-food sector. This, in turn, will expand domestic and international markets and generate more and higher-quality industry jobs, reducing the supply chain’s reliance on unskilled labour and improving food security. We are also…

Cultivating the development of a nationwide network of smart farms representing a range of agriculture sub-sectors. These smart farms collaborate to validate and demonstrate emerging knowledge & technology.

Connect (There’s that word again!) with us on LinkedIn and Twitter, and by joining the CAAIN network. Membership is free. For more information on benefits and to apply, click here.

Why Should Agri-Food Research & Innovation Matter to Canadians?

In 2020, Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector:

  • Employed 11% of our nation’s workforce;
  • Generated $139.3 billion— roughly 7.4% of our GDP; and,
  • Accounted for almost $74 billion in total exports to more than 200 countries, making Canada the world’s fifth-largest exporter of agri-food and seafood.

As impressive as those numbers are, we must improve to remain globally competitive.

Plus we all need to eat. Right? Right!

Okay, except that our climate is becoming increasingly volatile, we face decreasing supplies of arable land and fresh water, the global population is expected to hit 10 billion by 2050, and…we all need to eat.

So what’s the answer?

Research and innovation into emerging knowledge and technologies!

Sounds like a plan. But what does it mean?

Simply put, “Finding ways to do things better.” That means advances in data-based agricultural decision-making, as well as technologies such as autonomous farm equipment, robots, wireless sensors, and GPS, among many others. The farm of today is not your grandparents’ homestead, and the farm of tomorrow will not resemble today’s operation.