The ability to monitor, manage, and control temperature in food production is a vital process step–and not only for matters related to health and safety. In this instance, improved quality drives better product, which, in turn, increases profitability. Led by mode40, this project, a global first, will make use of a Meat Quality Management (MQM) System leveraging artificial intelligence, mobile technology, and smart sensors for real-time adjustment of the carcass-cooling process. The ability to access data for rapid decision-making on individual carcasses will improve meat quality and food safety, while lowering costs. Such real-time processing information is the first of its kind to create an application that leverages leading-edge technology from smart manufacturing, then blends with core concepts of process improvement in digital lean along with deep industry experience. The technology is being validated at 10 commercial meat processing plants, serving as a practical application of tech that truly impacts the bottom line–not just tech for tech’s sake or to create a cool factor. mode40, #makeitbetter, is looking forward to showcasing how modern process improvement and the application of technology are ushering in new opportunity in the agri-food space, enabling improved competitiveness, better products, and, ultimately, enhanced sustainability by improving management of finite resources into the final product. It is through funding that CAAIN provides that this type of showcase is possible, highlighting how well organized 3P development can position Canadian agriculture for long-term success.

CAAIN Contribution

Total Project Value

Project Contact
Cameron Bergen
Co-Founder and CEO