Data-Driven Decision-Making

Advancing Agronomy Through Hyperlayer Data Collection and Analytics

A CAAIN Closed Competition project responsible for what is arguably one of the world's most analysed pieces of agricultural land.
Automation and Robotics

Evaluation and Improvement of Economic, Environmental and Logistical Benefits of Autonomous Agricultural Equipment Operation for Broad-Acre Crop Production

A CAAIN Closed Competition project evaluating the latest generation of automated farm equipment on a functioning prairie farm.
Data-Driven Decision-Making

VeriGrain™ Development, Validation, and Commercialization

A CAAIN Closed Competition project supporting the development of innovative technology that ensures the integrity of the grain sampling process.
Automation and Robotics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development for Autonomous Agriculture Application

A CAAIN Closed Competition project to improve technology that will reduce the impact of labour shortages and inefficiencies on dryland farming.
Data-Driven Decision-Making

Harvesting Automation: Reducing the Requirement for Highly Skilled Labour During the Harvest of Broad-Acre Cash Crops

A CAAIN Closed Competition project developing technology that will make the process of harvesting broad-acre crops more efficient and more profitable.
Automation and Robotics

Optimisation d’Hyper-Eye : une solution intégrée pour l’évaluation de la fertilité et du sexe des œufs pré-incubés

Projet du concours fermé du RCAIA soutenant le développement d’une innovation qui apportera une valeur socio-économique significative.
Automation and Robotics

Automating Traceability, Creating a Digital Manifest, and Providing Transport Assurance Via Generic Data Enablers

A CAAIN Closed Competition project to develop a tool designed to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and safety of Canada's live-haul transporters.
Automation and Robotics

Optimizing Hyper-Eye: An Integrated Solution for Assessment of Fertility and Gender of Pre-Incubated Eggs

A CAAIN Closed Competition project supporting the development of innovation that, when commercialised, will provide significant socio-economic value.
Data-Driven Decision-Making

Automatisation de la récolte : Réduire les besoins en main-d’œuvre hautement qualifiée lors de la récolte de cultures commerciales de grandes superficies

Projet du concours fermé du RCAIA visant une technologie qui rendra la récolte de cultures sur de grandes superficies plus efficaces et plus rentables